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Inconsistencies in Trump’s national security policies

by Ivan Eland The recent North Korean missile tests raise questions about contradictions in President Donald Trump’s national security policies. During his campaign Trump implied that the United States should fight fewer wars overseas and demanded that US dependents, Japan and South Korea, do more for their own defense, perhaps even getting nuclear weapons. Yet a recent article written by David Sanger, a national security reporter for the New York Times, noted that Trump had tweeted that North Korean acquisition of a long-range missile "won’t happen" and that his administration was considering preemptive military strikes on North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs or reintroducing US tactical (short-range) nuclear missiles into South Korea, which were removed twenty-five years ago. So which is it – demanding US allies do more or ramping up America’s efforts to make them even more reliant on American power? And this is not the only Trump policy contradic

Trump is filling top Pentagon and Homeland Security positions with defense contractors

President Donald Trump has weaponized the revolving door by appointing defense contractors and their lobbyists to key government positions as he seeks to rapidly expand the military budget and homeland security programs. Two Department of Homeland Security appointments Trump announced Tuesday morning are perfect examples. Benjamin Cassidy, installed by Trump as assistant secretary for legislative affairs, previously worked as a senior executive at Boeing’s international business sector, marketing Boeing military products abroad. Jonathan Rath Hoffman, named assistant secretary for public affairs, previously worked as a consultant to the Chertoff Group, the sprawling homeland security consulting firm founded by former Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff. The firm has come under fire for advising a variety of firms seeking government contracts, including for full-body scanners deemed invasive by privacy activists. Hoffman also led a state chapt

Γιατί η υπόθεση Βατοπεδίου είναι σκάνδαλο και τι σημαίνει η απόφαση αθώωσης των εμπλεκόμενων

Η αθώωση των 14 κατηγορούμενων για την υπόθεση της Μονής Βατοπεδίου και των ανταλλαγών εκτάσεων με το Δημόσιο προκάλεσε ιδιαίτερη ευφορία στους άμεσα ή έμμεσα εμπλεκόμενους, οι οποίοι προσπαθούν εναγωνίως να πείσουν ότι δεν υπήρχε σκάνδαλο. Τα πράγματα ωστόσο δεν είναι ακριβώς έτσι. Αντιθέτως, εκείνο που κρίθηκε και αποφασίστηκε είναι πως οι κατηγορούμενοι δεν είχαν δόλο. Σύμφωνα δηλαδή με το δικαστήριο, δεν αποδείχθηκε απλώς η ηθική αυτουργία, ενώ προέκυψε -κατά το δικαστήριο- πως ό,τι έκαναν οι μοναχοί το έκαναν από την πεποίθησή τους πως η λίμνη ανήκει στη Μονή. Το σκάνδαλο του Βατοπεδίου που αποκαλύφθηκε το 2008 προκαλώντας πολιτικό σεισμό κρίθηκε ωστόσο με την απόφαση 197/2015 του τριμελούς Εφετείου Κομοτηνής, το οποίο έκρινε πως η λίμνη Βιστωνίδα και οι παραλίμνιες περιοχές ανήκουν στο Δημόσιο και επομένως κακώς ανταλλάχθηκαν. Το εν λόγω δικαστήριο αποτελούμενο από τους Χρήστο Τζανέρικο, Μυρσίνη Παπαχίου και Μιχάλη Κακαμανούδη, απέρριψε συγκεκριμένα

The true legacy of David Rockefeller

While often remembered for his philanthropy, the last surviving grandson of America’s first billionaire died today, leaving behind a dark legacy indicative of how American nobility often shape policy from behind the scenes. by MintPress news desk No one person encapsulates the enduring legacy of the “robber barons” of the Industrial Age quite like David Rockefeller. Rockefeller, who died today at the age of 101, was the last surviving grandson of John D. Rockefeller, the oil tycoon who became America’s first billionaire and the patriarch of what would become one of the most powerful and wealthiest families in American history. David Rockefeller, an undeniable product of American nobility, lived his entire life in the echelons of U.S. society, becoming symbolic of the elite who often direct public policy to a much greater extent than many realize, albeit often from the shadows. Rockefeller made it clear that he preferred to operate out of public view desp

CIA hacking tools revealed

WikiLeaks Part 9 - Examples The CIA's Engineering Development Group (EDG) management system contains around 500 different projects (only some of which are documented by "Year Zero") each with their own sub-projects, malware and hacker tools. The majority of these projects relate to tools that are used for penetration, infestation ("implanting"), control, and exfiltration. Another branch of development focuses on the development and operation of Listening Posts (LP) and Command and Control (C2) systems used to communicate with and control CIA implants; special projects are used to target specific hardware from routers to smart TVs. UMBRAGE The CIA's hand crafted hacking techniques pose a problem for the agency. Each technique it has created forms a "fingerprint" that can be used by forensic investigators to attribute multiple different attacks to the same entity. This is analogous to finding the same